
Saturday, June 09, 2007



070607 is a lovely number, isn’t it? You can read it as 7 June 2007.

And for me today is a lovely day too. Guess why? The fifth gift from my only Abang arrived this afternoon: two cute earphones, one for me and the other one is for Angie. Mine is white because my MP4 player is also white, and Angie’s is black because hers is black too. My Abang knows that Angie sometimes envies me when he sends me something so he also bought a new earphone for Angie. J

And as usual, when the gift from him came to me, I always felt like to be the happiest creature in the world, LOL, because his gift always makes me feel like to have everything.

Some weeks ago, out of the blue Abang sent me a message, “Belum sempet buka email, masih sibuk dgn kerjaan. Saya liat ada headset kecil yang cocok utk MP4 kamu dan bagus suaranya, nanti saya coba beliin.”

And I quickly replied, “Duhai Abangku yang super baik hati, aku mau!!!!!!!!” LOL.

FYI, the original earphone of my MP4 player had been in trouble for some weeks but I didn’t tell him. That’s why I was wondering how he could know that I need a new one? Did I come to his dream begging him a new earphone? Hahahaha … (I never thought that our telepathy is that good! LOL.)

In fact at that time I read that offer as his apology to me coz when he arrived in his hometown last April, he was so busy that he made me feel ignored. LOL. (“Beneran ga Bang?” huehehehehe …)

After going back to the country where he lives now, he was even busier. I myself was busy with my blogging business so that I seldom went online at the time to visit our RUANG RINDU, Yahoo Messenger. LOL. Therefore when one day, around two weeks ago, when I went online in my morning, greeted him at YM, he sounded happy. Aku tengarai dia sedang sibuk di kantor, jenuh dengan segala macam urusan yang datang bertubi-tubi, trus datanglah sang HUMMING BIRD yang biasa dia jailin, LOL, so keluar deh jailnya. Wakakakaka … I didn’t plan to stay long that morning, only to download his email, (karena sesuatu dan lain hal yang tak jelas apa, LOL, emailnya yang telah kudownload malam sebelumnya lenyap dimakan rayap flash disk, alias virus LOL) but karena kejailannya I stayed longer. LOL. He invited me to view his web cam (dia memang pede abis, ga kayak aku yang suka malu-malu tapi kadang-kadang malu-maluin. Huehehehehe …) and in that occasion, he showed me the earphones he bought for me. He showed two, black and white. Since he didn’t tell me yet that he also bought another for Angie, I didn’t understand. Then he said, “Yang putih buatmu, yang hitam buat Angie.”

“Oh Abang juga beli buat Angie? Aduh, Abang baik banget.”

(Pujian yang udah basi ya Bang? Huehehehehe …)

That afternoon, when picking up Angie from school, I told her that I had a chat with Abang, and he showed me the earphone via web cam. Instead of showing happy facial expression, Angie manyun. “Mama enak!!!” komplainnya.

“Lah, headset yang dia kirim beberapa minggu lalu dipake Angie melulu? Karena ukurannya kebesaran buat MP4 player Mama.”

“Tapi itu kan ukurannya besar Ma? Angie juga mau yang mungil gitu, yang kalau masuk telinga, ga bikin telinga sakit,” rengek Angie.

Maksud hati aku pengen memberi Angie surprise, entar aja kalau kirimannya datang, dia baru tahu. But ngeliat bibirnya yang manyun begitu, huehehehe …, ga tahan aku not to tell her the truth.

“Don’t worry honey, he also bought a new earphone for you. Ok?”

Dan seketika wajah Angie langsung cerah. LOL. Secerah sinar mentari yang membakar Semarang siang hari itu.

Going back to what happened this afternoon.

I directly tried the new earphone for my MP4 player. Wow, he is right, the sound is very great. It made me want to listen to music all the time from the MP4 player. LOL.

And when Angie went home from school, looking at me listening to the MP4 player in our shared bedroom, she directly concluded that the earphones had arrived. (FYI, at home, I usually listen to music from the playlist in the desktop or the cutie, and not from the MP4 player, kecuali waktu pertama kali datang dulu bulan November 2006, tidur aja yang meninabobokkanku ya musik dari MP. LOL.)

Her face was radiant, showing her happiness. But then she said, “Kalau di rumah, ndengerin MP pake headset aja. Earphone dipake kalo pas keluar rumah. Asik kan? Ga usah ngiri Ma, MP Mama kan terlalu mungil untuk dipakein headset?” hahahahaha …

Abang, thanks and thanks and thanks and thanks and thanks … (till million times). LOL.

LL 1904 070607

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