
Monday, February 05, 2007

Bill Gates

“What would you do if you were Bill Gates?”
Ini adalah salah satu pertanyaan ketika di kelas Intermediate level 3 membahas tentang SUCCESS STORY. Karena hari itu waktu tinggal sisa 10 menit (untuk review The Conditional Sentence type I), aku bagi kelas menjadi 4 kelompok, yang terdiri masing-masing 4 siswa karena ada 16 siswa yang hadir ketika itu.
If I were Bill Gates, I would burn some money I have, coz it is too much.
Aduh, kurang ajar banget yak kelompok ini? Aku sempet melongo dengan “kekreatifan” atawa “kekurangajaran” jawaban kelompok ini. Kemudian, aku menjawab, “Why dont you just give it to me instead of burning it?”
Jawaban kelompok itu, “Ma’am ... it is because Bill Gates doesnt know you. If I were Bill Gates and knew you, of course I would give the money to you.” diplomatic, eh? LOL.
If I were Bill Gates, I would build a very luxurious house and marry Ms. Universe.
Aku bertanya, “Which Ms. Universe you would marry? Last year who is from Puerto Rico?” Jawaban mereka, “I would get married every year, Ma’am, different Ms. Universe as my wife every year.” Pelecehan bener yak? L berhubung waktu tersisa hari itu ga banyak, aku ga ngeluarin taring dah. LOL. Liat aja NEXT TIME!!! LOL. LOL.
If I were Bill Gates, I would marry many beautiful girls.
Oh well, kelompok ini idem ditto dengan kelompok sebelumnya. L mata keranjang, eh? (Un)fortunately, di kelompok ini ada cowo yang ditaksir, oh well, mantan lebih tepatnya, LOL, my lovely star. Ketika pulang dari ngajar dan aku bercerita kepadanya, I could see disappointment in her eyes (mungkin dia berpikir mengapa cowo yang dia sukai—meskipun sudah putus, Angie masih suka berat sama cowo itu). Namun yang keluar dari mulut Angie adalah, “Kira-kira Angie termasuk yang dipilih ga ya Ma?” GUBRAK. Masak sih Angie mau aja HANYA jadi “salah satu istri-istrinya yang cantik”?
Btw, kalau aku boleh ngikut cara menulis Meg Cabot sebagai Mia Thermopolis, APAKAH ANGIE AKAN MEMBUNUHKU KARENA AKU TELAH MENCERITAKAN HAL INI KEPADA PUBLIK?
Wakakakakakaka ...
Huahahahahaha ...
(NOTE: Abang mengatakan hal itu kepadaku ketika aku bilang SETUJU POLLL dengan poliandri. LOL.)
If I were Bill Gates, I would help Indonesia by giving lotsa scholarship so that they can study in the USA.
Oh VERY SWEET, isn’t it? Aku langsung jatuh cinta pada kelompok ini. LOL.
Oh well, aku tahu, mungkin ketiga kelompok lain hanya bermaksud joking in class, the more creative, the more fun. Begitu barangkali cara berpikir anak-anak itu?
“What would you do if you were Bill Gates’ son/daughter?”
If I were Bill Gates’ son/daughter, I would have fun all of my life.
Oh well, not really interesting, is it?
Bingung kan punya guru kayak aku ini? semua dikomentarin!!! LOL.
If I were Bill Gates’ son/daughter, I would continue my study at Harvard.
“Why is that?” tanyaku.
“Because my father used to study at Harvard, but he didnt finish it.”
Oh good, so this group thought that the children can continue the parents’ dream, or make the parents’ dream come true.
If I were Bill Gates’s son/daughter, I would ask my father to build Disneyland at home. And I would play all the time.
Yeah, everybody has “childish” character in them, no matter how old they are. But this response showed that Angie’s dream boy—if she still dreams of having him as her boyfriend, LOL—is still very childish. What can Angie expect from him? Angie can be considered as more mature than her friends.
If I were Bill Gates’ son/daughter, I would invent a more sophisticated program than Microsoft for the welfare of people around the world.
Oh, once again, I really liked this sweet response from the same group.
However, as usual, if all is uniform, boredom will come easily, right? The same as other cases in our life. Difference is very natural.
PT56 22.15 020207

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