
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is so special between falling in love with writing?

15 APRIL 2011

Apa hubungan antara jatuh cinta dan menulis?

Mungkin karena aku memang sudah suka menulis – coret-coret untuk dibaca-baca sendiri – sejak masih duduk di bangku SD, maka aku jelas tidak bisa begitu saja meninggalkan hobby yang jelas-jelas memiliki karakter cathartic as well as relieving ini.

Namun ternyata ada fungsi lain lho dari menulis ini selain sebagai media melepaskan emosi! Menarik perhatian! Especially from the one(s) who have successfully stolen your heart. Ahay!
A year ago, due to falling in love, I kinda became like a poet, enthusiastically spent much time to write poems, not to attract his attention, but just to expose my feelings toward him. (So, it is very right when ‘wise‘ people say that falling in love can make people poet! LOL.) in order to get more ideas to write poems, I bought more books containing collection of poems. I also made friend with some well-known poets on FB and got to know other people who love scribbling poems ) who perhaps dream to be well-known poets too).

So absorbed was I that I even almost left my main interest when starting blogging in the beginning of 2006: writing about women, gender equality and that kinda stuff, plus spirituality. I spent most of my time focusing on how to scribble poetic writings until ...

There .... that awesome guy came to my life again; the one that made me update status like this:
my second impression on you, amory?
I accidentally fell for you!
perhaps NO
high time

However, this time, I didn’t even become more absorbed in writing love poems. When he said to me, “Wah, what a perfect way of thinking: a teacher who is a feminist like you write comment on my post on this ridiculous local regulation on virginity testing for female students to be accepted at one institution.”

Dan begitulah. Mendadak aku menjadi malu pada diri sendiri. . Gara-gara nulis puisi melankolis narsis gombalis mulu.

Of course I cannot fully leave my writing poems either. However, to attract his attention, I seriously spend my time (in the middle of my busy teaching schedule) to write articles again. Any ideas coming to my mind will really make me spare time to write. It is indeed fulfilling in two ways: to express my own anxiety (especially when the writing is directly related to my concern on women’s betterment in this patriarchal culture or spirituality) and ... get his attention. AHAAAAY!!! LOL.

Despite the boredom and sometimes depression at the office (which are usually not directly related to the teaching learning process but other things), writing in the middle of my busy teaching schedule is really really relieving. Moreover when getting his comments. Ups ... wkwkwkwkwkwk ...

I am really NOT an introvert person. Sigh ...

Banaran, 10.46 230311

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