
Saturday, October 21, 2006

One day

I am at my workplace right now, with four students are around me. They haven't seen me for ages, they said. LOL. Hahaha ...

One of them--Merlin said, "Ma'am, you are really a supporter of feminism ideologi, aren't you? So, will you support polyandry?"

I responded, "Yeah ... why not? If men can have more than one wife, why women cannot have more than one husband?" LOL.

This conversation reminded me of one experience I had with Angie. We went to restaurant "Ayam Bakar Wong Solo", coz suddenly I felt so restless without any clear reason. If I were "healthily okay" LOL, I wouldn't go to that restaurant coz it means that I gave income to the owner that I really disliked for his polygamy campaign. (Oh well, I sometimes cannot control my psychological problem. :-D)

When choosing what drink to have, I spotted "Juice polygamy" UGHH!!!! I felt like I wanted to run away from the restaurant right away. LOL. But I didnt think it was polite to cancel our meal there. (So, what do you interpret from "juice polygamy" What is the recipe??

After finishing our meal, I paid to the cashier. On the table I spotted a tabloid entitled POLIGAMI, with one big headline, "Tunjukkan bahwa anda adalah laki-laki ulung dengan memiliki istri lebih dari satu." HUEEEKKKKK!!!!!

I instantly ran away from that place. I said to Angie, "We will not go back to this place, although the food is delicious." LOL.

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