
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Two Coins ...

Every facet of our lives must have these two coins : happiness and sadness, sweetness and bitterness.

At this term, in my workplace, I have a student whose hobby is singing. This is something that often happens, isn't it? And so far, in my experience, I have sometimes asked my students whose hobby is singing to sing in the classroom, but they mostly refused. Feeling shy is always the excuse. LOL.

To that point, I never asked this student of mine to sing in the classroom. However, these past two weeks, he has been often absent. His classmates said that he had to practice before joining a competition. This made me think he must be ready to perform in front of audience; it means I can ask him to sing in the classroom. :D

So? Last Wednesday when he came to our class, I asked him to sing one favorite song of his. To my surprise, he looked shy! Ouwh ... But I didn't give in. LOL. After waiting for some minutes (around 10 minutes LOL), he finally sang ... together with one classmate of his! LOL. They chose PERFECT, a song by Ed Sheeran.

And, just like that ... it made me remember one dear student of mine, back to a few years ago. ...

Vito, was the only student of mine in grade 7, because his classmate quit, moved out of town. We spent more than 10 slots together, both in English and in History subjects. A few years later, when he was in grade 11, he had one classmate who liked singing too, and another one who liked playing guitar. Three of them used to sing together in the class. Sweet memories ...

Vito and his fiancee, pic taken December 2017, time flies so fast!

I would love it if in every class of mine, there are some students who love singing and then sing in the classroom. heheheheh ...

IB180 13.36 17/02/18

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